
双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - A podcast by 喜马拉雅播客

Happy April Fool’s Day! Here are some easy to do prank ideas for you to play on your friends and family. They are all safe, quick, and will not hurt anyone!  1.     Replace Oreo cream with toothpaste.把奥利奥夹心换成牙膏。 2.     Fill Coke bottles with soy sauce. 用酱油装满可乐瓶。 3.     Paint soap with clear nail polish and leave it in the shower. 别人在洗澡的时候给他放一块涂满透明指甲油的香皂。 4.     Dry some glue then set it on someone’s keyboard. 把干放在某人的键盘上。 5.     Make someone’s computer mouse doesn’t work by sticking a funny face on the bottom. 给鼠标底部贴个搞笑照片,这样他的鼠标就用不成啦! 观看视频,关注公众微信号Kakaketang_Jessica. 加卡卡个人微信jessica_1stmail.微博@卡卡课堂,直播加长版的早餐微信英语等你来参加哦!申请时注明喜马拉雅同学就可以咯!